Thursday, October 2, 2014

Previous exam question of Computer for Assistant Programmer/ Assistant Maintenance Engineer 4

Previous exam question of Computer for Assistant Programmer/ Assistant Maintenance Engineer 

Question Set 10

1.a. What is routing? Differentiate between static and dynamic routing methods. Provide their relative advantages and disadvantages.
1.b. Differentiate between 2G and 3G wireless technologies.

2.a. Compare virtual circuits and datagram networks.
2.b. Show the IP address formats of class A,B and C networks.

3.a. What is OSI model? How does you describe application protocol and networking protocol?
3.b. Describe how entities, attributes and relationship are used to model data.

4. Write a computer program in C/C++/Java that takes a positive integer N as input and find out the    sum of the digits repeatedly until result is converged to a single digit:-
              sample Input:
              Sample output:
                            Sum of digits: 29(First Step)
                            Sum of digits: 11(Second Step)
                            Sum of digits: 2(Final Step)

5. Write the following program using an object oriented programming language(C++/Java):-
              You are given the rolls, names and contact--phones of all students in your class as input. You have to write a program to sort the list in lexicographical order of names and print the output to a file.

6. Write an algorithm to find the shortest path from a source node S to destination node D on a given input graph G(V,E,W). Here V is the set of vertices. E is the set of edges and W is the set of  weights associated with edges.

7. Design an E-R diagram for airline reservation system consisting of flights, aircrafts, airports, fares, reservation, tickets, pilot, crew and passengers. Clearly highlight the entities, the relationships, the primary keys and mapping constraints.

8. What is digital divide? How does you can reduce the digital divide in Bangladesh and establish digital Bangladesh. 


  1. This is very helpful for participant could anyone tell where should i search for another sets of questions?
