Previous exam question of
Computer for Assistant Programmer/ Assistant Maintenance Engineer
Question set 4
1. What is private IP address? Mention the class B private IP range.
2. What are the difference between layer 2 and layer 3 network switch?
3. What is data transmission method? Distinguish between simplex and duplex method.
4. State the advantages and disadvantages of voiceband and broadband.
5. What is database? State the RDBMS with example.
6. Explain with example of one to many relationship with E_R diagram.
7. What are the difference between while and do while loop?
8. Write a program in C or C++ language to calculate the factorial of any integer.
9. What are the properties of a weak password?
10. Define worms and Trojan horse.
11. What are the differences between RAID level 2 and RAID level 3?
12. Explain GSM mobile network.
13. How you can calculate the total storage capacity of magnetic disk?
14. What are the advantages of micro-controller over microprocessors?
Question set 5
1. Describe the principle for transmission of light through optical fiber.
2. Define SM and MM fiber.
3. Explain optical detection principle.
4. Explain BER in pulse transmission.
5. Explain the responsibilities of the data link layer of the OSI model
6. Explain briefly the function of the application layer.
7. Explain GSM mobile network.
8. Design a GSM mobile network.
9. Explain IPv4 address protocol with its binary and dotted-decimal notation.
10. What are the types of MOSFET?
11. Give the block and schematic diagram of CMOS and explain its function.
12. Write down the frame format for a point to point protocol and explain.
13. Explain compiler. What are phases of compiler?
14. Explain C/C++ compiler with example.
15. What are the components of design and electronic voting machie(EVM)? Explain in details.
16. What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?
Question set 6
1. What is BCD code? Convert (635)8 into BCD.
2. Show that a flip-flop can use as binary counter.
3. What is op-amp?
4. Define email system. Show the SMTP and POP3 environment using diagrams.
5. Mention the differences between primary key and unique key.
6. In a class, there are 50 students. They appear in an examination which consists of total 10 subjects. Where each subject has maximum marks of 100. The roll number, name, sex code (male or female) and the marks obtained him/her in various subjects are supplied as input data.
Write a program in C to calculate and print the percentage marks obtained by the male students and the list of only those female students who have passed in second division ( obtained 45% or more but less than 60%).
7. Explain the properties of object-oriented programming language using example.
8. What do you mean by VSAT?
9. Describe the differences between dial-up access and direct internet access.
10. Explain the differences between bridge, router and gateway with suitable examples.
11. Write a program in C, to evaluate Y of the following series. It is obligatory to use the functions for determine of factorial of integers and power of integers.
Y=1+x+x2/2!+x3/3!+……………………………+xn/n! take the value of x from the keyboard.
12. Mention the differences between a high level programming language and an object oriented programming language.
13. What is electronic cash register? What type of memory is there to store information permanently?
14. What do you mean by outsourcing and nation portal framework? How the people of Bangladesh can be benefited by outsourcing?
15. What do you mean by cyber crime? How can we prevent cyber crime?
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