Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Logic Puzzle, Riddle and Brain Teasers

Logic Puzzle, Riddle and Brain Teasers  

What Do You Light First?

If you are in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove and a gas lamp.

You only have one match, so what do you light first?

Red-eyed Monks Puzzle  
The Puzzle:

There is a monastery of silent monks with no mirrors and one important rule: no red eyes!

If a monk discovers he has red eyes he must leave that night.

All is well until a visitor says "at least one of you has red eyes!"

What happens next?

  Really Hard Algebra Puzzle
Solve it?

Boxes with Balls Puzzle  
The Puzzle:

The first box has two white balls. The second box has two black balls. The third box has a white and a black ball.

Boxes are labeled but all labels are wrong!

You are allowed to open one box, pick one ball at random, see its color and put it back into the box, without seeing the color of the other ball.

How many such operations are necessary to correctly label the boxes?

Three Hats Puzzle  
The Puzzle:

Three people enter a room and have a green or blue hat placed on their head. They cannot see their own hat, but can see the other hats.

The color of each hat is purely random. All hats could be green, or blue, or 1 blue and 2 green, or 2 blue and 1 green.

They need to guess their own hat color by writing it on a piece of paper, or they can write "pass".

They cannot communicate with each other in any way once the game starts. But they can have a strategy meeting before the game.

If at least one of them guesses correctly they win $50,000 each, but if anyone guess incorrectly they all get nothing.

What strategy would give the best chance of success?

(Hint: 100% chance of success is not possible.)

Ministers and King Puzzle
A king decided to replace on of his ministers without causing too hard feelings. He summoned the minister and asked him to choose one of two folded notes. The king explained that one of the notes says "You are fired" and the other states "You stay." However, the minister found out from a trusted spy that both notes actually say "You are fired." What can the minister do to save his post?

Triplets Puzzle  
The Puzzle:

Three sisters are identical triplets. The oldest by minutes is Sarah, and Sarah always tells anyone the truth. The next oldest is Sue, and Sue always will tell anyone a lie. Sally is the youngest of the three. She sometimes lies and sometimes tells the truth.

Victor, an old friend of the family's, came over one day and as usual he didn't know who was who, so he asked each of them one question.

Victor asked the sister that was sitting on the left, "Which sister is in the middle of you three?" and the answer he received was, "Oh, that's Sarah."

Victor then asked the sister in the middle, "What is your name?" The response given was, "I'm Sally."

Victor turned to the sister on the right, then asked, "Who is that in the middle?" The sister then replied, "She is Sue."

This confused Victor; he had asked the same question three times and received three different answers.

Who was who?

The Puzzle:


Put numbers where the letters are to make the sum become true


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