Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mental ability test for BCS and other competitive exam

Mental ability test for BCS and other competitive exam 

1. The position of how many digits will remain the same if the digits in the ,number 2567394 are rearranged in ascending order from left to right?

Answer :One

2.  Ravi cycles 3 km towards the east and takes the first right turn and cycles for another 5km to point A. From point A he takes a left turn and cycles 7 km to point B, after covering another 4 km he rests for a while. How much distance has Ravi covered from point A till the time he stops ?

Answer :11 km

3. Five-sixth of a number is 720. What will 45% of that number be?

Answer :388.8

4. Vishakha spent Tk. 68,357’ on the renovation for her home, Rs.25,675 on buying music system and the remaining 28% of the total amount she had as cash with her. What was the total amount?

Answer :Rs. 1,30,600

5. The ages of Sulekha and Arunima are in the ratio of 9 : 8 respectively. After 5 years the ratio of their ages will be 10 : 9. What is the difference in years between their ages ?

Answer :5 years

6. 42 women can do a piece of work in 18 days. How many women would be required to do the same work in 21 days?

Answer :36

7. Statements: All sharks are fishes. Some fishes are birds. All birds are trees. All trees are insects.

I. Some insects are sharks.
II. Some sharks are trees.
III. All insects are birds.
IV. Some birds are sharks.

Answer :None follows

8. Statements: All tables are round. Some hills are round. Some rivers are hills. All rivers are conical.
I. Some rivers are round.
II. Some hills are conical.
III. Some rivers are both hills and round.
IV. Some tables are conical.

Answer :Only II follows

9. Statements: Some buildings are rivers. Some mountains are both buildings and rivers. Some roads are buildings. All roads are trucks.
I. Some mountains are roads.
II. Some buildings are trucks.
III. Some rivers are roads.
IV.Some trucks are rivers.

Answer :Only II follows

10. Statements: All books are diaries. Some diaries are pens. Some pens are drawers. All drawers are chairs.
I. Some drawers are diaries.
II. Some chairs are pens.
III. Some pens are books.
IV. Some diaries are books.

Answer :Only II and IV follow


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