Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Previous exam question of Computer for Assistant Programmer/ Assistant Maintenance Engineer 1

Previous exam question of Computer for Assistant Programmer/ Assistant Maintenance Engineer

Question set 1

1. What is database? Draw and E-R diagram which represents one to many relationship.
2. Suppose you are given a table named employee with the fields: emp_id, name, position, department, salary and phone. Write down the following task in SQL command:- 
a. Add a row to the employee table with emp_id=130, name: Anamika, position=programmer, department=CSE, salary=25000 and phone=0123456789.
b. Find out all employees who work in the finance department and whose salary is between 10000 and 20000. 
3. Write a programe in c/c++/java language that will take a date from the keyboard and calculate the age of Bangladesh on that date in month unit. Ignore day count. 
4. What is VPN tunneling? Explain it with pictorial representation of a practical core. 
5. Distinguish between the following terms:-
a. Primary key and unique key.
b. Star topology and mesh topology.
6. Explain with examples the concept of friend function and function overloading in object oriented programming.
7. What is the ‘issue management’ in software project management? How those issues are managed? 

Question set  2 for  Applied physics 

1. A.  how a zener break down different from avalanche breakdown? 
B. explain how zener diode can be used as a voltage regulator.
C. describe how an FET can be used as a switch.
2.      A. what is OP-AMP? Draw an inverting amplifier circuit using OP-AMP and write down its   voltage gain equation. 
        B. what do you mean by virtual ground?
       C. what do you mean by universal gate? Draw a digital circuit of the given logic equation,  Y=A’.B+A.B
3. A. what are the causes of atmospheric attenuation of microwaves? 
     B. what is meant by the characteristic impedance of a transmission line? What factors determine the characteristic impedance of a line. 
  C. what is the difference between a microstrip and a stripline? 
4.a. what does handover refer to in cellular telecommunications? What is the difference between hard handover and soft handover? 
4.b explain why a hexagon has been chosen to represent a cell in cellular layouts, even though most of the cells are not hexagonal in shape? 
4.c what is cell splitting? 
5.a. what is a peer to peer network?
5.b. what  are the differences between network layer delivery and transport layer delivery? 
5.c. what is the differences between a router and a switch? 
6.a. what is cache memory? What is its purpose?
6.b. compare CISC and RISC processors.
6.c what are the differences between DRAM and SRAM?
7. compare CDMA, TDMA and FDMA. 

Question set  3

1. array and link list ব্যবহার এর সুবিধা ও অসুবিধাগুলো উল্লেখ কর।
2. Object oriented programming কি? Inheritance, Encapsulation ও  Polymorphism সম্পর্কে সংক্ষেপে লিখুন। 
3. NAND, NOR gate কে সার্বজনীন বলা হয় কেন? একটি নেটওয়ার্কের network address and Broadcast address বলতে কি বুঝায়? 
4. ডিজিটাল স্বাক্ষর ও ই-গভর্নেন্স কি? Modulation ও Demodulation এর প্যোজনীয়তা ব্যাখ্যা করুন। 
5. সংক্ষেপে লিখুনঃ (ক) LAN ও WAN (খ) Switch ও Router 
6. write a program in C/C++ or Java to search and element in an array using binary search technique. 
7. what is stack? Assume that a stack is implemented by a linked list, then write codes in C/C++ or Java for the push and POP functions. 
8. Assume that you are given an IP block Then divide this IP block into four subnetworks. Write network address, broadcast address and subnet mask for each subnet. Also write IP address of a host for each subnet. 
9. Assume the you are given 50 numbers. Then write a program in C/C++ or Java to find average of these numbers. 
10. Breifly answer the following questions:- 
a. write the names of two system software.
b. why do we use cache memory?
Write the main difference between single mode and multi mode optical fiber cable. 
d. what is the main advantage of using web based application?

e. what is the main challenge of using cloud computing? 


  1. Would you please like to tell, Which institution used this question for Assistant Programmer recruitment.
