৩৫ তম বিসিএস এর নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশিত হয়েছে

৩৫তম বিসিএসের বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করেছে সরকারি কর্মকমিশন (পিএসসি)। এর মাধ্যমে এক হাজার ৮০৩টি শূন্য পদের বিপরীতে সরকারি কর্মকর্তা নিয়োগ করা হবে। আবেদনপত্রের পুরো প্রক্রিয়া হবে অনলাইনে। আর এবার প্রিলিমিনারি পরীক্ষা হবে ২০০ নম্বরের।

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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Your First Application using MySQL and PHP

Congratulations for your successful completion of the SQL tutorial series.
We looked at how we can design a database from scratch, the relational database management system model among others, MySQL as a database management system and how it implements the SQL language, what tools are available for us to use in the database design phase, SQL development and MySQL server administration such as MySQL workbench and finally produced a working database for a fictional video library system "Myflix".
Excited as you might be with your newly acquired knowledge, have you given any thoughts' as to how your database uses will use your database?
How about developing an application that hides all the SQL statements inside and provide a visual graphical user interface for the users to use when interacting with the database?
We can use PHP for this...

What is PHP?

PHP is a general purpose server side scripting language that we can use to develop dynamic web sites and applications. PHP only needs to be installed on the web server that will host the web application and client applications can access the server resources via web browsers. The diagram shown below illustrates the basic architecture of a PHP web application.

Your First Application using MySQL and PHP

Why PHP?

You have obviously head of a number of programming languages out there; you may be wondering why we would want to use PHP over other languages to develop our video library application? PHP just like MySQL is open source and free, you don't need to pay for you to get PHP; all you have to do is download it. Packages such as XAMPP come bundled already with a web server, MySQL and PHP among others. This is also unbelievably free. This makes PHP a cost effective choice compared to other scripting languages such as CFML or ASP.
Other benefit that you get with PHP is that it's a server side scripting language; this means you only need to install it on the server and client computers requesting for the resources from the server do not need to have PHP installed; only a web browser would be enough.
PHP also has in built support for working hand in hand with MySQL; this doesn't mean you can't use PHP with other database management systems.
PHP is cross platform which means you can deploy your application on a number of different operating systems such as windows, Linux, Mac OS etc.


PHP and MySQL are like two different sides of the same coin. Just like MySQL has built in functions for data manipulations, so does PHP has built in functions for connecting to MySQL server and manipulating the data in the database. Let's now look at some of PHP functions that allow us to manipulate MySQL databases
MySQL connect
$dh = mysql_connect(servername,username,password);
  • "mysql_connect" is the PHP built in function for connecting to MySQL database
  • "servername" is the name of the server running MySQL server.
  • "username" is the name of the user that we will use to authenticate ourselves when connecting to the server.
  • "password" is the password that we will use to authenticate ourselves when connecting to the server.
PHP Data Object [PDO]
Alternatively we can also use the PHP Data Object PDO to connect to MySQL server. It has the following basic syntax.
$dbconn = new PDO(mysql:host=servername;dbname=databasename,username,password);
  • "dbconn" is the database connection object that we can use to manipulate our database.
  • "new PDO (...)" creates an instance of the PDO class.
  • "mysql:host=servername;" is the name of the server running MySQL server.
  • "dbname=databasename" is the name of the database to be manipulated from PHP.
  • "username,password" are login credentials we will use to authenticate ourselves.
As you can see from the above database connection examples, not only is PHP simple to use but it's also flexible. The diagram shown below illustrates how the client application, PHP powered web server and MySQL interact.

Your First Application using MySQL and PHP

Introducing Myflix Video Library Application

Assuming we have acquired knowledge of the PHP language combined with what we just learnt in the MySQL tutorial series, we can write the web based application in PHP that runs on top of the MySQL database to provide our Myflix database users with a Visual Graphical User Interface for interactions.

Myflix Video Library Screenshots

The screenshots below show how the video library application running on top of Myflixdb would look like.
Your First Application using MySQL and PHP

Members listing window shown above
Your First Application using MySQL and PHP

Movie details editing window shown above


  • MySQL is a powerful open source database engine that can meet the requirements of both stand-alone as well as client server applications.
  • PHP is a general purpose scripting language that can be used to develop client applications that run on top of MySQL databases.
  • Equipping yourself with both MySQL and PHP knowledge is double blessing.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

MySQL Index Tutorial - Create, Add & Drop

Nobody likes slow systems.
High system performance is of prime importance in almost all database systems .
Most businesses invest heavily in hardware so that data retrievals and manipulations can be faster.
But there is limit to hardware investments a business can make. 
Optimizing your database is a cheaper and better solution.
Towards this end we can use INDEXES.
MySQL Index Tutorial - Create, Add & Drop
  • The slowness in the response time is usually due to the records being stored randomly in database tables.
  • Search queries have to loop through the entire randomly stored records one after the other to locate the desired data.
  • This results in poor performance databases when it comes to retrieving data from large tables
  • Indexes come in handy in such situations. Indexes sort data in an organized sequential way.Think of an index as an alphabetically sorted list. It is easier to lookup names that have been sorted in alphabetical order than ones that are not sorted.
  • INDEX's are created on the column(s) that will be used to filter the data.
  • Using indexes on tables that are frequently updated can result in poor performance. This is because MySQL creates a new index block every time that data is added or updated in the table. Generally, indexes should be used on tables whose data does not change frequently but is used a lot in select search queries.

Create index basic syntax

Indexes can be defined in 2 ways
1.       At the time of table creation
2.       After table has been created

For our myflixdb we expect lots of searches to the database on full name.
We will add the "full_names" column to Index in a new table "members_indexed".
The script shown below helps us to achieve that.
CREATE TABLE `members_indexed` (
  `membership_number` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `full_names` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL,
  `gender` varchar(6) DEFAULT NULL,
  `date_of_birth` date DEFAULT NULL,
  `physical_address` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `postal_address` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `contact_number` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL,
  `email` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`membership_number`),INDEX(full_names)
Execute the above SQL script in MySQL workbench against the "myflixdb".  
MySQL Index Tutorial - Create, Add & Drop
Refreshing the myflixdb shows the newly created table named members_indexed.
"Note" members_indexed table has "full_names" in the indexes node.
As the members base expand and the number of records increases , search queries on the members_indexed table that use the WHERE and ORDER BY clauses will be much faster compared to the ones performed the members table without the index defined.

Add index basic syntax

The above example created the index when defining the database table. Suppose we already have a table defined and search queries on it are very slow. They take too long to return the results. After investigating the problem, we discover that we can greatly improve the system performance by creating INDEX on the most commonly used column in the WHERE clause.
 We can use following query to add index
CREATE INDEX id_index ON table_name(column_name);
Let's suppose that search queries on the movies table are very slow and we want to use an index on the "movie title" to speed up the queries, we can use the following script to achieve that.
CREATE INDEX `title_index` ON `movies`(`title`);
Executing the above query creates an index on the title field in the movies table.
This means all the search queries on the movies table using the "title" will be faster.
Search queries on other fields in the movies table will however still are slower compared to the ones based on the indexed field.

Note you can create indexes on multiple columns if necessary depending on the fields that you intend to use for your database search engine.
If you want to view the indexes defined on a particular table, you can use the following script to do that.
Let's now take a look at all the indexes defined on the movies table in the myflixdb.
Executing the above script in MySQL workbench against the myflixdb gives us the following results shown below.
Note the primary and foreign keys on the table have already been indexed by MySQL. Each index has its own unique name and the column on which it is defined is shown as well.

Drop index basic syntax

The drop command is used to remove already defined indexes on a table.
There may be times when you have already defined an index on a table that is frequently updated. You may want to remove the indexes on such a table to improve the UPDATE and INSERT queries performance. The basic syntax used to drop an index on a table is as follows.
DROP INDEX `index_id` ON `table_name`;
Let's now look at a practical example.
DROP INDEX ` full_names` ON `members_indexed`;
Executing the above command drops the index with id ` full_names ` from the members_indexed table.


  • Indexes are very powerful when it comes to greatly improving the performance of MySQL search queries.
  • Indexes can be defined when creating a table or added later on after the table has already been created.
  • You can define indexes on more than one column on a table.
  • The SHOW INDEX FROM table_name is used to display the defined indexes on a table.
  • The DROP command is used to remove a defined index on a given table.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Views in MySQL Tutorial: Create, Join & Drop with Examples

What are views?

Simply put, VIEWS are virtual tables .By virtual, we mean, the tables do not store any data of their own but display data stored in other tables.
In other words, VIEWS are nothing but SELECT Queries.

Views syntax

Let's now look at the basic syntax used to create a view in MySQL.
CREATE VIEW `view_name` AS SELECT statement;
  • "CREATE VIEW `view_name`" tells MySQL server to create a view object in the database named `view_name`
  • "AS SELECT statement" is the SQL statements to be packed in the views. It can be a SELECT statement can contain data from one table or multiple tables.
Let's now create our first view using the "myflixdb" we will create a simple view that restricts the columns seen in the members table.
 Suppose authorization requirements  state that the accounts department can only see member's number , name and gender from the member's table. To achieve this e can create a VIEW -
CREATE VIEW `accounts_v_members` AS SELECT `membership_number`,`full_names`,`gender` FROM `members`;
Executing the above script in MySQL workbench against the myflixdb and expanding the views node in the database explorer gives us the following results.
Views in MySQL Tutorial: Create, Join & Drop with Examples
Note the accounts_v_members object is now visible in the database views objects. Let's now execute a SELECT statement that selects all the fields from the view.
SELECT * FROM `accounts_v_members`;
Executing the above script in MySQL workbench against myflixdb gives us the following results shown below.
1Janet JonesFemale
2Janet Smith JonesFemale
3Robert PhilMale
4Gloria WilliamsFemale
5Leonard HofstadterMale
6Sheldon CooperMale
7Rajesh KoothrappaliMale
8Leslie WinkleMale
9Howard WolowitzMale
Only the authorized columns for accounts department have been returned. Other details found in the members table have been hidden .
If we want to see the SQL statements that make up a particular view, we can use the script shown below to do that.
SHOW CREATE VIEW `accounts_v_members`;
Executing the above script gives you the view name and the SQL SELECT statements used to create the view.

Joins and views

Let's now look at a fairly complex example which involves multiple tables and uses joins.
We will package the JOIN created that gets information from three (3) tables namely members, movies and movie rentals. Below is the script that helps us to achieve that.
CREATE VIEW `general_v_movie_rentals` AS SELECT mb.`membership_number`,mb.`full_names`,mo.`title`,mr.`transaction_date`,mr.`return_date` FROM `movierentals` AS mr INNER JOIN `members` AS mb ON mr.`membership_number` = mb.`membership_number` INNER JOIN `movies` AS mo ON mr.`movie_id` = mo.`movie_id`;
Executing the above scripts creates the view named general_v_movie_rentals in our myflixdb
Let's now select all the fields from a table named general_v_movie_rentals.
SELECT * FROM `general_v_movie_rentals`;
Executing the above script in MySQL workbench against the myflixdb gives us the following results shown below.
1Janet JonesPirates of the Caribean 420-06-201228-06-2012
1Janet JonesForgetting Sarah Marshal22-06-201225-06-2012
3Robert PhilForgetting Sarah Marshal22-06-201225-06-2012
2Janet Smith JonesForgetting Sarah Marshal21-06-201224-06-2012
3Robert PhilX-Men23-06-201228-06-2012
Note we didn't have to write the complex JOIN query to get information about members, movies and movie rental details. We simply used the view in a regular SELECT statement as any other ordinary table. The view can be called from anywhere in the application system running on top of the myflixdb.

Dropping views

The DROP command can be used to delete a view from the database that is no longer required. The basic syntax to drop a view is as follows.
DROP VIEW ` general_v_movie_rentals `;
Why use views?
You may want to use views primarily for following 3 reasons
  • Ultimately , you will use your SQL knowledge , to create applications , which will use a  database for data requirements. It's recommended that you use VIEWS of the original table structure in your application instead of using the tables themselves. This ensures that when you make changes to your database structure, your applications will not break.
  • VIEWS increase re-usability. You will not have to create complex queries involving joins repeatedly. All the complexity is converted into a single line of query use VIEWS. Such condensed code will be easier to integrate in your application. This will eliminates chances of typos and your code will be more readable.
  • VIEWS help in data security. You can use views to show only authorized information to users and hide sensitive data like credit card numbers.


  • Views are virtual tables; they do not contain the data that is returned. The data is stored in the tables referenced in the SELECT statement.
  • Views improve security of the database by showing only intended data to authorized users. They hide sensitive data.
  • Views make life easy as you do not have write complex queries time and again.
  • It's possible to use INSERT, UPDATE  and DELETE on a VIEW. These operations will change the underlying tables of the VIEW.  The only consideration is that VIEW should contain all NOT NULL columns of the tables it references. Ideally, you should not use VIEWS for updating.

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Joins help retrieving data from two or more database tables. 
The tables are mutually related using primary and foreign keys.
Note: JOIN is the most misunderstood topic amongst SQL leaners. For sake of simplicity and ease of understanding , we will be using a new Database to practice sample.  As shown below
2Real Steel(2012)Animations
3Alvin and the ChipmunksAnimations
4The Adventures of Tin TinAnimations
5Safe (2012)Action
6Safe House(2012)Action
8Deadline 200918+
9The Dirty Picture18+
10Marley and meRomance

Types of joins

Cross JOIN
Cross JOIN is a simplest form of JOINs which matches each row from one database table to all rows of another.
In other words it gives us combinations of each row of first table with all records in second table.
Suppose we want to get all member records against all the movie records, we can use the script shown below to get our desired results.
SELECT * FROM `movies` CROSS JOIN `members`
Executing the above script in MySQL workbench gives us the following results.

idtitle idfirst_namelast_namemovie_id
1ASSASSIN'S CREED: EMBERSAnimations1AdamSmith1
1ASSASSIN'S CREED: EMBERSAnimations2RaviKumar2
1ASSASSIN'S CREED: EMBERSAnimations3SusanDavidson5
1ASSASSIN'S CREED: EMBERSAnimations4JennyAdrianna8
2Real Steel(2012)Animations1AdamSmith1
2Real Steel(2012)Animations2RaviKumar2
2Real Steel(2012)Animations3SusanDavidson5
2Real Steel(2012)Animations4JennyAdrianna8
2Real Steel(2012)Animations6LeePong10
3Alvin and the ChipmunksAnimations1AdamSmith1
3Alvin and the ChipmunksAnimations2RaviKumar2
3Alvin and the ChipmunksAnimations3SusanDavidson5
3Alvin and the ChipmunksAnimations4JennyAdrianna8
3Alvin and the ChipmunksAnimations6LeePong10
4The Adventures of Tin TinAnimations1AdamSmith1
4The Adventures of Tin TinAnimations2RaviKumar2
4The Adventures of Tin TinAnimations3SusanDavidson5
4The Adventures of Tin TinAnimations4JennyAdrianna8
4The Adventures of Tin TinAnimations6LeePong10
5Safe (2012)Action1AdamSmith1
5Safe (2012)Action2RaviKumar2
5Safe (2012)Action3SusanDavidson5
5Safe (2012)Action4JennyAdrianna8
5Safe (2012)Action6LeePong10
6Safe House(2012)Action1AdamSmith1
6Safe House(2012)Action2RaviKumar2
6Safe House(2012)Action3SusanDavidson5
6Safe House(2012)Action4JennyAdrianna8
6Safe House(2012)Action6LeePong10
9The Dirty Picture18+1AdamSmith1
9The Dirty Picture18+2RaviKumar2
9The Dirty Picture18+3SusanDavidson5
9The Dirty Picture18+4JennyAdrianna8
9The Dirty Picture18+6LeePong10
10Marley and meRomance1AdamSmith1
10Marley and meRomance2RaviKumar2
10Marley and meRomance3SusanDavidson5
10Marley and meRomance4JennyAdrianna8
10Marley and meRomance6LeePong10


The inner JOIN is used to return rows from both tables that satisfy the given condition.
Suppose , you want to get list of members who have rented movies together with titles of movies rented by them. You can simply use an INNER JOIN for that, which returns rows from both tables that satisfy with given conditions.

SELECT members.`first_name` , members.`last_name` , movies.`title`
FROM members ,movies
WHERE movies.`id` = members.`movie_id`
Executing the above script give
RaviKumarReal Steel(2012)
SusanDavidsonSafe (2012)
LeePongMarley and me
Note the above results script can also be written as follows to achieve the same results.
SELECT A.`first_name` , A.`last_name` , B.`title`
FROM `members`AS A
INNER JOIN `movies` AS B
ON B.`id` = A.`movie_id`

Outer JOINs

MySQL Outer JOINs return all records matching from both tables .
It can detect records having no match in joined table. It returns NULL values for records of joined table if no match is found.
Sounds Confusing ? Let's look into an example -


Assume now you want to get titles of all movies together with names of members who have rented them. It is clear that some movies have not being rented by any one. We can simply use LEFT JOIN for the purpose.

The LEFT JOIN returns all the rows from the table on the left even if no matching rows have been found in the table on the right. Where no matches have been found in the table on the right, NULL is returned.

SELECT A.`title` , B.`first_name` , B.`last_name`
FROM `movies` AS A
LEFT JOIN `members` AS B
ON B.`movie_id` = A.`id`
Executing the above script in MySQL workbench gives.You can see that in the returned result which is listed below that for movies which are not rented, member name fields are having NULL values. That means no matching member found members table for that particular movie.
Real Steel(2012)RaviKumar
Safe (2012)SusanDavidson
Marley and meLeePong
Alvin and the ChipmunksNULLNULL
The Adventures of Tin TinNULLNULL
Safe House(2012)NULLNULL
The Dirty PictureNULLNULL
Note: Null is returned for non-matching rows on right


RIGHT JOIN is obviously the opposite of LEFT JOIN. The RIGHT JOIN returns all the columns from the table on the right even if no matching rows have been found in the table on the left. Where no matches have been found in the table on the left, NULL is returned.
In our example,  let's assume that you need to get names of members and movies rented by them. Now we have a new member who has not rented any movie yet
SELECT B.`title`, A.`first_name` , A.`last_name`
FROM `members` AS A
RIGHT JOIN `movies` AS B
ON B.`id` = A.`movie_id`

Executing the above script in MySQL workbench gives the following results. 
RaviKumarReal Steel(2012)
SusanDavidsonSafe (2012)
LeePongMarley and me
NULLNULLAlvin and the Chipmunks
NULLNULLThe Adventures of Tin Tin
NULLNULLSafe House(2012)
NULLNULLThe Dirty Picture
Note: Null is returned for non-matching rows on left

"ON" and "USING" clauses

In above JOIN query examples, we have used ON clause to match the records between table.
USING clause can also be used for the same purpose. The difference with USING is it needs to have identical names for matched columns in both tables.

In "movies" table so far we used its primary key with the name "id". We referred to same in  "members" table with the name "movie_id".

Let's rename "movies" tables "id" field to have the name "movie_id". We do this in order to have identical matched field names.
ALTER TABLE `movies` CHANGE `id` `movie_id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
Next let's use USING with above LEFT JOIN example.
SELECT A.`title` , B.`first_name` , B.`last_name`
FROM `movies` AS A
LEFT JOIN `members` AS B
USING ( `movie_id` )
Apart from using ON and USING with JOINs you can use many other MySQL clauses like GROUP BY, WHERE and even functions like SUMAVG, etc.

Why should we use joins?

Now you may think, why we use JOINs when we can do the same task running queries. Especially if you have some experience in database programming you know we can run queries one by one, use output of each in successive queries. Of course, that is possible. But using JOINs, you can get the work done by using only a one query with any search parameters. On the other hand MySQL can achieve better performance with JOINs as it can use Indexing. Simply use of single JOIN query instead running multiple queries do reduce server overhead. Using multiple queries instead that leads more data transfers between MySQL and applications (software). Further it requires more data manipulations in application end also.
It is clear that we can achieve better MySQL and application performances by use of JOINs.


  • JOINS allow us to combine data from more than one table into a single result set.
  • JOINS have better performance compared to sub queries
  • INNER JOINS only return rows that meet the given criteria.
  • OUTER JOINS can also return rows where no matches have been found. The unmatched rows are returned with the NULL keyword.
  • The major JOIN types include Inner, Left Outer, Right Outer, Cross JOINS etc.
  • The frequently used clause in JOIN operations is "ON". "USING" clause requires that matching columns be of the same name.
  • JOINS can also be used in other clauses such as GROUP BY, WHERE, SUB QUERIES, AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS etc.